Python – Properties and Accessors Monday, Nov 21 2016 

Python avoids some of the problems with JAVA, by having “soft variables”(my term for them). These are variables which are actually processes (“methods” or “class functions”) in disguise as simple variables present within objects (“attributes” in the case of simple variables, and “properties” in the case of the more involved) .

They are a lot of articles online about them. [ Here is a link: ] to one of the best articles I have found.


MLP – LINUX command shell stuff Saturday, Nov 19 2016 

To change the bash command prompt, use

PS1=”<bash prompt DSL-ish string>”

Put it in .bashrc (or .bash_profile) in ~ (home directory) and it won’t work. For that you need to prefix “export “, as in:

export PS1=”usless_example>”

For more detailed info that makes more sense, check out this link:

  2. This other page is better illustrated, but they don’t explain what export does. Which is why I explained, above. Same domain, though:

Technically they’re four strings and stuff but that article covers it all. It is more “advanced” than the old dos PROMPT=$p$g type stuff.


Notes for Later – RSync and stuff Monday, Feb 1 2016 

Just leaving this here for reference as I set up my workbench full of nice machines that talk to each other:

  1. Rsync – this is part of setting up automatic incremental backups, see the nice WikiPedia article on it. You could just use CrashPlan, instead, if you want (much friendlier, but Internet based).
  2. Filezilla (client only GUI thingy for Linux Mint / Ubuntu ftp)
  3. Setting up an ftp server on Linux Mint or something (WikiHow, shorter article)
  4. Something unrelated, Ten Behaviors of Genuine People.
  5. And something fun, the BYOND project.


Ressurecting DOS32 Projects Sunday, Nov 29 2015 

So, I recently turned geeky again.

Before I forget, this is where to get CWSDPMI.


Recombination Programming Sunday, Nov 15 2015 

Human beings are mostly imaginary.

We fill our imaginary models of society with maps and programs,To hide the illusion from ourselves, we call the programs habits, skills, characteristics, moves, routines, contracts, duties, obligations, capabilities, plans of action, designs of construction.
